Friday, May 15, 2009

I feel like I won a gold medal

I feel like I won a gold medal in the Olympics and then got busted for steroids and had to take it back. The Real Estate Market was on steroids and we all new who were taking them (bad loans paying over appraised value cash back under the table ) and when we got caught we all tried to act like we didn't know they had side effects! i was thriving in the boom! I had 15 properties that I had owned for years like 5-7 all HUDS REO's etc. Without doing no more than the original work on the properties over a 6 month period I watched all 15 properties triple in value like the rapper Kanye West says, "SO AMAZING" instantly my net worth was over a million dollars! JACKPOT! The kid without both parents in the home growing up did it! WOW. I could not believe what just happened. My wife and I went on our 7 year postponed honeymoon. I bought cars for the whole family my grandma included and she barley drives. I mean don't get me wrong I like the view from up top,Ijust wish.....SOMEONE WOULD HAVE WARNED ME ABOUT THE STUPID HOUSING BUST! Does anyone feel my pain?

1 comment:

  1. I know there has got to be more than just me who feels the pain of the housing market!

    Anyway, I am right there with you on this one.
